OpenLDAP with … GNU social

In the last few months, I worked a lot on connecting different services to OpenLDAP. My general impression is that most software projects have quite a poor documentation on how to do this exactly. So here is a little collection – no long articles, just the configuration part. This is part 3: How to integrate the free/libre microblogging software GNU social with OpenLDAP?

GNU social comes with two plugins: LdapAuthentication and LdapAuthorization. The former obviously is for authentication, the latter is for managing StatusNet roles in LDAP. The explanations and examples in the README files are very good! Here I go to configure GNU social as an internal social network for a given group.

addPlugin('ldapAuthentication', array(
        // if gnusocial can't write back to ldap:
        'host'=>array( 'localhost' ),
        // without the next line, it will bind on port 389 without encryption

addPlugin('ldapAuthorization', array(
        // I use the memberOf overlay so: "member"
        // all accounts that can log in:
         // all accounts with elevated permissions:
        'host'=>array( 'localhost' ),
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